Monday, March 24, 2014

Roasted Chickpeas

This is one of the most addicting, irresistible snacks in my book.  Chickpeas are good for fiber, protein, and other nutrients.  Made this way, they are packed with flavor, with crispy outsides and creamy insides.  They are super easy to make too!

1 can chickpeas
Sea or kosher salt
Fresh ground pepper
Dried herbs such as parsley, oregano, or basil
Olive oil

Rinse the chickpeas and let them dry for a while.  Preheat your oven to a nice hot 425 degrees.

Place chickpeas in a bowl.  Drizzle with olive oil, and sprinkle on some salt, pepper, and your choice of herbs and spices.  For this particular batch I used dried parsley, oregano, and basil.  Stir them around so the chickpeas are nicely coated, and place in a baking dish.  It helps to have some foil lining the baking dish for easier cleanup.

Roast the chickpeas for about 45 minutes, or a bit longer if you want a nice crunch.  Shake the baking dish every once in a while to reduce sticking and to ensure more even cooking.

Start munching!  They are very good warm.

Ideas for Variation:
Flavors are up to you.  The possibilities go on and on!
You can't go wrong if you like the herbs you add.  Pile 'em on, fresh or dry!
For a spicier version, try chili powder, cumin, and/or cayenne.
Garlic makes a nice addition!
Try a sweet version if you want a sweeter snack (think pie spices)
Citrus juice livens up the flavor.

Happy Snacking,

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