Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Individual Frittatas

I happened to get some wonderful farm fresh eggs from a friend, and had some leftover spinach from the lasagna I made earlier tonight, so I decided to make some easy-to-grab breakfast treats with the leftover spinach and a few other ingredients.  These are great because you can put whatever you want in them, and they are a quick, satisfying, and healthy microwavable breakfast on the go. I'll be honest, I didn't time this one. I put it in the oven while the lasagna was cooking after I decided to make them.  Here is how I made them:

6 eggs
Splash of milk
Chopped fresh spinach
Chopped red pepper
Salt and pepper to taste
Sprinkling of parsley
2% colby jack cheese to top

Beat the eggs and add a splash of milk to make them fluffier
Mix in the spinach and pepper, stir in salt, pepper, and parsley
Spray muffin pan with non-stick spray and pour in egg mixture
Top with cheese
Bake at 375 until eggs are set

These are fantastic microwaved for about 1 minute and served on a toasted English muffin for a quick and tasty breakfast sandwich!

Ideas for variation:
Onion, broccoli, mushrooms, any veggies you want
Ham, bacon, or breakfast sausage
Any fresh herbs (thyme or chives come to mind)
Different kinds of cheeses - Swiss is good too!

Happy Breakfasting,

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