Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Hello home cooks, and thank you for stopping by!

My name is Jillian.  I created this blog to document my culinary wanderings and to share some of my more brilliant creations with you lovely readers.  I work full time and lead a busy life, but cooking is nevertheless a big part of my life.  I like to eat right, and I love using fresh ingredients.  My meals tend to be simple and have bold flavors.  I love entertaining, so here you will find a wide variety of recipes, from beverages and party snacks to desserts and everywhere in between.  I hope that in reading this you will be encouraged to make new healthy, balanced and delicious meals while leading your busy lives, rather than turning to bad-for-you convenience foods!

Admittedly, not all of the recipes you will find here are totally healthy.  But you will find most of them are, as I tend to focus on produce when meal planning.  In any recipe I post I will note what worked well, what didn't work so well (for new recipes), and I will suggest variations wherever I can.  From time to time I will make posts that are not recipes at all, but tips and tricks I have picked up.  I hope you enjoy it!

Happy Cooking,

Quick disclaimer...this blog is in no way intended to offend anyone or rip anyone off.  The photography is all my own, and the recipes are my own creations unless otherwise specified.  If you find something similar out there, I'm telling you right now that I don't copy and paste or "borrow" anyone else's ideas and make them my own.  If a recipe is an adaptation from something I found, I will give credit where credit is due.

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