Sunday, July 27, 2014

Easy Quiche

My Aunt Amy's quiche recipe is one of my favorites.  It's easy (because it's crust-less), delicious, easily customized, and makes outstanding leftovers.  It's great for feeding a crowd for brunch, and a good standby for any meal!  I have adapted it a bit, and it's a very flexible recipe, so feel free to play with it.

4 eggs
1 c baking mix (I use the reduced fat, heart healthy kind)
1 1/2 c milk
1/2 tsp salt
2 Tbsp melted butter

Mix the above ingredients, and fold in the following:

1/4 c finely chopped onion.  I usually just use one small onion or half of a medium one.
1 c grated cheese (Swiss and cheddar both work very well.)
1 lb cooked chopped bacon or 1/4 lb diced ham
1/2 package frozen broccoli
Dash nutmeg (optional)

I also usually add a few more veggies, like mushrooms, peppers, spinach, tomatoes, whatever I feel like adding.  The more watery vegetables you add, the more you may want to consider cutting down on the milk a little bit.  I like to sprinkle a bit of additional cheese on top right before baking.

Bake in a greased pie pan at 375 degrees until the quiche is golden brown on the top and no longer jiggling in the center.  This typically takes me almost an hour, but start checking at about 45 minutes.

If you have remaining mixture, pour into a personal casserole dish for a mini quiche, or even into a muffin tin.  This works well if I want to sample the final product but still have an entire, uncut quiche for company!  The leftovers are great reheated and this quiche freezes very well.

Have leftover filling?  Make mini quiches.
Prefer a crust?  Make a crust!  Omit the baking mix from your egg mixture, otherwise it's business as usual.

Basic crust:
1 c flour
1/3 c shortening
1/2 tsp salt
2 Tbsp cold water

This crusted quiche has ground breakfast sausage, peppers, thinly sliced potatoes, and pretty tomato slices on top.

I hope you enjoy it!


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